Aloe Vera - its benefits and remedies

Benefits of Aloe vera 1] Prevents sign of aging 2] Reduces acne 3] Heals external wound and insect bites. 4] Promotes hair growth. 5] Reduce dandruff and maintain pH balance of scalp. 6]Aloe vera helps speed the process of healing to burns and other wounds. 7] Aloe vera moisturizes and softens your skin. 8] Aloe vera can decrease pigmentation and dark spots. Remedies of Aloe vera 1) To get rid of Dandruff and falling hair. Massage fresh aloe vera juice to the affected scalp and keep it for few minutes before washing your hair. 2) Mix 1-2 tablespoons Aloe Vera juice into a glass of water. Drink at least once daily to lose weight. 3) Replace aloe vera with conditioner for silkier, smoother hair. 4) Add 1 tablespoon honey to a glass of Aloe Vera juice.Stir well and drink. Consume regularly to stimulate metabolism, promote proper digestion, and burn extra fat and calories.